Improve Your Home Air Quality with Products in Chicagoland
Indoor air quality is becoming increasingly important. Studies show that indoor air can be 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. Today’s advanced construction and renovation techniques create tighter, more efficient houses. But tighter houses also trap airborne microorganisms.
An important contributor to the indoor pollution problem is the air conditioning system. As air conditioning operates, moisture condenses inside the system. This creates areas that encourage mold growth and musty odors. The circulating air can pick billions of mold spores and other microscopic bio-contamination from inside the air conditioning system and spread them. This can cause increased allergic reactions and respiratory illness symptoms. Fortunately there are several ways to improve air quality. Get products from our Chicagoland team.
Aabal Heating & Cooling’s products include those listed below.
A humidifier injects water vapor into the dry, heated air expelled from a furnace or air handler. This will improve efficiency and create a more comfortable living environment.
We have access to many manufacturers and models, but our primary line of humidifiers is General Aire.

This humidifier produces ideal flow-through for most homes. It installs on vertical warm air supply or cold air return plenum.
Unit Size: 15″ wide x 11 ½ ” high x 9″ deep
Plenum Opening: 10 ¼ ” wide x 9 ½ ” high

This humidifier provides ideal flow-through. No by-pass is required. Can be installed on vertical warm air supply plenum.
Unit Size: 16″ wide x 14″ high x 10″ deep
Plenum Opening: 15″ wide x 9 ½ ” high

This high-capacity flow-through is suited to large homes. Installs on vertical warm air supply or cold air return plenum.
Unit Size: 16″ wide x 16″ high x 11″ deep
Plenum Opening: 13 ¼ ” wide x 9 ¼ ” high

UltraMAX brings the cleansing effect of sunlight into your home.
It keeps mold and other biological contamination from growing in your air conditioning system and spreading through the home. It also disinfects the air circulating past the ultraviolet lamps.

There are several models of Aprilaire Whole-House Air Cleaners, designed to satisfy your family’s specific needs. Your heating and cooling contractor can help you determine which is right for you.

Honeywell Air Cleaners provide innovative features and design. This includes their unique operation-verifying test button and new, high-efficiency post filter.

A wide variety of cleaners are available from this trusted manufacturer. Read all about Trion Air Cleaners on Trion’s site.